TypeScript quickstart
- Setup your app folder
mkdir reboot-hello && cd reboot-hello
- Install Reboot
npm init -y && npm pkg set type="module" && npm install @reboot-dev/reboot && npx tsc --init --sourceMap --declaration --moduleResolution node --target es2020 --rootDir . --outDir dist
- Create a
filemkdir -p ./api/hello/v1 && touch ./api/hello/v1/hello.proto
- Define your durable state data types and operations
syntax = "proto3";
package hello.v1;
import "rbt/v1alpha1/options.proto";
message Hello {
option (rbt.v1alpha1.state) = {};
repeated string messages = 1;
service HelloMethods {
rpc Messages(MessagesRequest) returns (MessagesResponse) {
option (rbt.v1alpha1.method).reader = {};
rpc Send(SendRequest) returns (SendResponse) {
option (rbt.v1alpha1.method).writer = {};
message MessagesRequest {}
message MessagesResponse {
repeated string messages = 1;
message SendRequest {
string message = 1;
message SendResponse {} - Create
implementation filemkdir -p ./backend/src && touch ./backend/src/hello_servicer.ts
- Implement
import { ReaderContext, WriterContext } from "@reboot-dev/reboot";
import {
} from "../../api/hello/v1/hello_rbt.js";
export class HelloServicer extends Hello.Servicer {
async messages(
context: ReaderContext,
state: Hello.State,
request: MessagesRequest
) {
return { messages: state.messages };
async send(
context: WriterContext,
state: Hello.State,
request: SendRequest
) {
return {};
} - Create a
entrypointtouch ./backend/src/main.ts
- Implement
import { Application, ExternalContext } from "@reboot-dev/reboot";
import { Hello } from "../../api/hello/v1/hello_rbt.js";
import { HelloServicer } from "./hello_servicer.js";
const initialize = async (context: ExternalContext) => {
const hello = Hello.lookup("reboot-hello");
const response = await hello
.send(context, { message: "Hello, World!" });
new Application({
servicers: [HelloServicer],
}).run(); - Create an
filetouch .rbtrc
- Add necessary flags to your
fileprotoc api/
protoc --nodejs=api/
dev run --name=hello
dev run --watch=backend/src/**/*.ts
dev run --nodejs
dev run --application=backend/src/main.ts - Run your app
npx rbt dev run
- Query your app
curl -XPOST http://localhost:9991/hello.v1.HelloMethods/Messages \
-H "x-reboot-state-ref:hello.v1.Hello:reboot-hello"
In this example, you:
- Defined a Reboot durable state data type.
- Defined and implemented the operations on your data type.
- Built your Reboot app and ran it.
This example is somewhat contrived as we only created one instance of
your Hello
data type, but in practice you are free to make as many
of these as you like!
So far, we've covered reader
and writer
methods but Reboot's real power
is in transactions
. Learn about transactions
and all of the other available method kinds here.
Hopefully, your wheels are starting to spin thinking of all of the possibilities!